Saturday, March 1, 2014

Tomatoes, Peppers and Squash... Oh My!

This weather seriously needs to warm up...right now! I have a greenhouse full of veggies ready to go in the ground. And my beds are cleared, prepped and ready to go. All I am waiting on is to get past the last threat of frost. To be honest, I am probably just going to take my chances and plant out the majority of my veggie babies this weekend. If we get a late frost, I'll end up doing like I did last year. Rush home from work, pick up frost covers and run around the garden in the dark covering up all the babies, with my husband standing nearby saying 'I told you so'.

Right now in the greenhouse I have several varieties of tomatoes ready to go: Chianti Rose, Beefmaster, Wapsipinicon Peach, Bush Big Boy, San Marzano, Coure de Bue, Roma, Pink Brandywine, and Black Krim. I also have the 'Vermont Cranberry' Beans, 'Pike' Muskmelon, 'Seminole' Pumpkin, 'Fancy Crookneck' Summer Squash, and 'Cossack Pineapple' Tomatilla.  I typically grow everything from seed to reduce disease introduction, except for the Bell Peppers. For some reason it takes too long to grow peppers from seed. Therefore I cheat and buy starts to grow out in the greenhouse for a few months. This way I'll be eating peppers by May.

Bell Peppers and Tomatoes

Tomatoes and Muskmelon

Vermont Cranberry Beans and Tomatillas

Tomatoes in the foreground

Messy Greenhouse                                        
My other motivation for planting out some of my stock is to free up some room in my tiny greenhouse. I mostly use it for storage during the warmer months because it does not have ventilation fans and gets HOT. But then during the winter when I am doing all my starts to get a jump on the spring/summer garden, I end up running out of room.

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