Saturday, January 4, 2014

Spring Seeds Ordered

I'm getting restless for my spring/summer garden and the seed catalogs have been showing up in the mail, one a day, for the past week. So I gave in and placed my first order. I may have to expand to plant all the stuff I've got coming in, and I don't know who is going to eat it all since it's only the two of us.

Pinetree Garden Seeds and Accessories:
Vermont Cranberry- dried bean variety, I haven't grown dried beans before but it would be nice to grow something that is easily stored. I just don't have time for the whole canning thing, and am so-so at freezing my excess veggies.
Yard Long- Asian bean that is also referred to as Asparagus bean. Very heat tolerant and productive, which would be great to have in the garden in the middle of summer when everything else is burned out. And you can never have enough fresh eating bean varieties, so easy to harvest and cook.
Painted Serpent Cucumber- this is odd as it is sold as a cucumber but is really a type of melon, but tastes like a mild cucumber. It's a snake shaped Armenian variety and supposed to be a prolific producer and I am always curious to try new varieties (besides if I don't like it I can feed it to the chickens). I'll also be planting my usual cucumber variety 'County Fair' which is incredibly resistant to powdery mildew and produces good amounts of tasty fresh eating and pickling cukes.
Pepino- I am so excited to try this melon. It produces 2 - 5" fruit that taste like a pearish melon.
Minnesota Midget- a small early variety of muskmelon that grows on compact vines. Since I am always battling powdery mildew on my cucurbits I seek varieties that either have good resistance or are early so as to beat the heat and rains of a Florida summer.
Strawberry Spinach- a variety of greens that grow during the heat of summer and taste like spinach. How awesome would it be to have spinach tasting fresh greens to make a salad with my summer tomatoes.
Wapsipinicon Peach Tomato- a small sized tomato that is supposed to be fruity tasting, with a peach fuzz skin.

 Tomato Growers Supply Company:
Black Krim
Pink Brandywine

Southern Exposure Seed Exchange:
Pike Cantaloupe- produces large fruit, and has excellent disease resistance.
Seminole pumpkin- highly productive heirloom native pumpkin variety with incredible resistance to everything that afflicts cultivated vegetables in Florida.
Ground Cherry Cossack Pineapple- yellow, fruity tasting tomatillo.
Monarda- great flowering herb for my pollinators.

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