Thursday, September 12, 2013

Seeds for the Winter Garden

I had a pleasant surprise when I came home today, my seed order from Territorial Seed Company was delivered.  Here is the breakdown of what I ordered and why.

Broccoli Veronica- this is a Romanesco type of Broccoli that is just too cool looking not to try. I'm human, sometimes I grow things just because they look cool.

Broccoli Apollo- this variety produces a smallish main head, and then will keep producing several side shoots that can be harvested over quite a long period of time. I like this type better than the broccoli varieties that produce a very large main head but no side shoots. The flavor is sweeter and it is easier to utilize throughout the growing season. Unless you stagger the main head type you end up with a bumper crop all at one time and then nothing the rest of the season.

Cauliflower Purple of Sicily- as I have stated in an earlier post, the white cauliflowers do not set heads well for me here in Hernando County. I blame it on the occasional warm periods we will have throughout the winter. However, the purple/violet variety easily set heads and the flavor is outstanding.  Also, having purple cauliflower in the garden is really funky looking, and so much fun to give away to people. The color of  purple cauliflower is not subtle, it is very purple!

Mustard Komatsuna Sharaku- I am very excited to try this green. This is a Japanese mustard spinach, that is supposed to have the heat and cold tolerance of mustard, and the flavor and tenderness of spinach.  I have tried several times but I am unable to grow spinach in my garden which I believe is due to an intolerance to heat and humidity (the spinach, not me).  Hopefully this variety is a successful combination of the best traits for both greens. This is my first time trying it, and I'll definitely be reporting my results.

Vit (Mache)- many of the seed catalogs I look through rave about the flavor of vit, which is used as a salad green.  After a while you begin to wonder what the hype is about and order the seeds just to see for yourself. So that is what I have going on with this.

Carrot Purple Haze- how can you go wrong with a purple carrot. I actually don't care for carrots, although I will occasionally juice them for health benefits. Mostly I grow carrots in my garden for my mother who absolutely loves them, and I can't wait to see her face when I hand her a pile of purple carrots!

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